Inspiring Creative Marketing: Where is Google Plus Going?

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Where is Google Plus Going?

Google+ vs Facebook - Infographic

This is a very interest info-graphic and makes me ask the question where Google Plus is going. I have wondered about this and the competition - Facebook. Sure Google has search engine power but Facebook has momentum.

Here are some thoughts from Jeff BullaI am finding that it is hardly referring any traffic to my blog (despite having over 7,000 followers on Google+)
In speaking to other bloggers at the “Social Media Down Under” conference recently they agreed that they were only posting there because it was Google. What I am finding also is that Pinterest drives more traffic to my blog than Google+. A lot of users are posting but only because it is a Google property!"
Here are some of the findings regarding Google Plus:

  •  The average post has less than one +1, less than one reply, and less than one re-share.
  • 30% of users who make a public post never make a second one.
  • After making five public posts, there is a 15% chance that a user will not post publicly again.
  • Among users who make publicly-viewable posts, there is an average of 12 days between each post
Other research reveals that Google+ users spend on average only 3 minutes a month versus Facebook at over 400 minutes.*
*Google Plus: Average User Spends Only 3 Minutes Per Month!

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